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Redundancy for economic reasons in Senegal

Redundancy for economic reasons in Senegal

The redundancy procedure is divided into the following phases:
1 An employer considering redundancies for economic reasons must convene a meeting of staff representatives and work with them to find all possible solutions for preserving the jobs threatened. These solutions include, for example, reducing working hours, short-time working, redeployment, etc.

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How to set up an NGO in Senegal

How to set up an NGO in Senegal

To be recognised as an NGO, the association must have been in existence for at least two years. The application for approval is sent to the Minister of the Interior. Approval grants tax benefits on equipment used to make investments, for a period of two years. The NGO benefits from exemption from duties and taxes on equipment imported or acquired locally. Vehicles imported or purchased locally are also exempt from import duties and taxes.

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Shareholders' or partners' agreement

Shareholders' or partners' agreement

A shareholders' or partners' agreement is a contract concluded between the partners or shareholders of a company with a view to organising relations between partners/shareholders and with third parties and to safeguarding their interests. The shareholders' or partners' agreement may also define the company's management procedures and mechanisms for preventing and resolving conflicts. The shareholders' or partners' agreement complements the company's articles of association. Unlike the articles of association, which are public documents, the shareholders' agreement is a private contract, which guarantees a degree of confidentiality.

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